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There are 7 matching stories.

How I got ill As with many people, it took me quite some time before I even realised I had Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS). I'd heard of ME, because a friend of my mum's had it for many years, but knew nothing about it. Although ignorance is not bliss, I don't know what I would have done if I'd known it would take 5 years to recover. I returned home from travelling in India and almost immediately came down with a nasty virus. After a few weeks I went to the doctor, who said to come back if ...
Viewed 207988 times, rated 8.2 out of 10

I battled with CFS for almost two years, before making a full recovery in May 2011, and two years on it is now well and truly behind me. I largely owe my recovery the amazing and inspiring recovery stories of other ex-CFS sufferers. I am deeply grateful to everyone who recognises how valuable it is to get these stories heard. It is because of people like this that I am now in a position to tell my recovery story to the world. May 2009: The beginning. When it all started I was working as a p ...
Viewed 58996 times, rated 8.8 out of 10

Hi All, When I was at my worst with CFS, I used to search the internet for information and grow ever more despairing at the lack of people who seemed to be recovering. Now that I'm recovering I realise that the last thing on your mind when you are recovering is going back to those depressing forums - there's too much fun to catch up on! So my first point is don't despair. Secondly, I'd like to share the understanding of CFS/ME/etc that I came to through my extensive reading and also the ...
Viewed 49257 times, rated 6.2 out of 10

Hi, thanks for visiting my story. I hope it helps you see that you don't have to keep suffering with Post-viral Fatigue Syndrome/CFS/ME. I'm going to explain the long story of how I got sick and how I got better. Just this past February, my tonsils swelled up and wouldn't subside. I took lozenges and thought nothing of it, believing they'd go down in time. They didn't. It was the first outward sign that something wasn't quite right. Some context - I was in a job that wasn't for me and m ...
Viewed 23082 times, rated 9.4 out of 10

Looking back I had an episode as far back as 10 years ago (off work for a couple of weeks), and then another about 7 years ago (off work for a month and took another 9 months to get back to about 80% of my normal self). I remember the doctor saying it wasn't ME but PVFS. But always felt from then on that something wasn't quite right with me but just couldn't understand what it was! Then nearly 5 years ago I went down with it again really badly, told the doctor this time we were going to get ...
Viewed 19097 times, rated 7.4 out of 10

Five years ago I became unwell. My GP said my symptoms were anxiety, due to a family bereavement, I disagreed. All the same I got no further with him. After suffering with a sudden sensitivity to sound and visual disturbance, I went back. I had, meantime experienced, in my opinion, a virus. shivers, sweats, tinnitus. He added depression. Then I invited him to listen to my heart, which was racing. An ECG was rapidly arranged. The cardiologists mentioned a virus and a heart scan reveale ...
Viewed 9182 times, rated 1.4 out of 10

One of my best remembered primary school memories is of a teacher explaining that suffering is a natural part of life and that it inevitably happens to everyone. I vividly remember insisting to myself that my life will be the exception to this rule and that I will never experience anything unpleasant. Of course, I was wrong. But the suffering I have experienced over the last year due to post viral fatigue has left me happier and stronger than ever, instead of bitter that my childhood naivety was ...
Viewed 6948 times, rated 8.5 out of 10
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