Believe you can beat CFS: How I made a quick and complete recovery from CFS/ME

I battled with CFS for almost two years, before making a full recovery in May 2011, and two years on it is now well and truly behind me. I largely owe my recovery the amazing and inspiring recovery stories of other ex-CFS sufferers. I am deeply grateful to everyone who recognises how valuable it is to get these stories heard. It is because of people like this that I am now in a position to tell my recovery story to the world.

May 2009: The beginning.

When it all started I was working as a psychologist for a consultancy company. I worked from home on projects that were large, daunting and really tested me to the limit, while also trying to learn to drive, apply for an MSc, and finish writing a novel. I started this job straight after finishing a degree where I had worked myself into the ground to get a First, not realising that for a significant part of my final year at university I actually had glandular fever!

One day in May 2009, I sat down to start work and found that I simply couldn’t. I was unable to focus or think and instead felt drained. In the past my mind had always been busy, and my thoughts would be racing from one thing to the next. All of a sudden, I’d lost the thing which made me who I was, instead my head was filled with a thick fog, and my preferred activity became sitting in silence staring at the wall for long periods because reading, talking or too much noise were overwhelming.

When I went to my GP, he said that I may have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Knowing what was wrong didn’t bring much comfort, as most information I found on the internet was very negative. I quickly gave up doing any research about the condition.

Around two months into my illness, I moved in with my boyfriend of six years. This involved moving to Kent where he had a new job, and would mean living about three hours drive away from most of my friends and family. However, I was very excited about the whole thing, and I think at this point I just assumed things would just work themselves out.

July 2009 to December 2010: The Middle

A lot happened during this time, I got engaged, moved house again and started planning my wedding. I went through various stages of trying to cope with my CFS. Some things I did were helpful, some really weren’t.

Initially, I was frequently filled with anger about my situation and set about picking apart my past to discover all the different reasons why it might be my fault or something that I deserved. It was a difficult and emotional time.

Looking Back:
I wish I’d been kinder to myself. It’s not a good thing to think of CFS as a “punishment” for something you’ve “done” as it won’t make you feel any better and it’s not true. Nobody deserves CFS, just like nobody deserves other illnesses.

Gradually, my anger faded. I decided that things were not going to change any time soon. I went to see my new doctor in Kent and he referred me to a CFS/ME service but there was a 40 week waiting list for an initial appointment. As I was not given any other advice, I felt there was nothing I could do but wait for this appointment.

Looking Back:
Some degree of acceptance is useful, as accepting something is wrong motivates you to get help. But I was too quick to believe there was nothing I could do except sit around waiting for an appointment.

Throughout the whole experience, my lack of identity was one of the things that disturbed me most. I didn’t know myself anymore. I didn’t know what I liked, what I wanted out of life, what I was good at or what sort of person I was. I’d given up everything I used to enjoy doing, and I couldn’t make any sense of what was left of me. My main identity essentially became that I was ill, because that was what I spent my time doing, and thinking about. My world shrunk. It was difficult to keep in touch with people; have them ask what I was doing and have to reply that I was ill.

Looking Back:
I suspect that feeling like I had no identity anymore reduced my motivation to get better. Because I didn’t know who I was or what I wanted, I think on some level I probably couldn’t see the point in being well. I wish I hadn’t spent so much time dwelling on this. My identity had not disappeared forever, once I got rid of the CFS it returned.

I managed my CFS on a day to day basis with routine. I did the same amount of activity each day and it kept my energy levels fairly stable. In terms of physical strength I actually began to improve, but I couldn’t deal with any stress or anything requiring much thinking (and by this point I was trying to plan my wedding, which involved a lot of both!)

Looking Back:
I would say that, while helpful, keeping a strict routine was more a case of dealing with the symptoms of CFS than tackling the cause. However, I think routine was really important to keeping my mind healthy as it allowed me to achieve things each day, and I could congratulate myself on every small thing I achieved, whether it was getting out of bed, sending an email, or going out to post a letter. I felt pleased each day that I managed to do everything I wanted to do, but importantly I also tried not to beat myself up if sometimes I couldn’t.

Blood sugar
I’ve always been a bit prone to low blood sugar, but as my CFS continued it became like a prison. If I went out, I’d have to have snacks with me in case it got bad. I ate what I thought was a normal healthy diet- low fat, high carbohydrate, but I was always hungry. I began to put on weight while ironically my body seemed to be telling me I was starving. I felt hungry again about an hour after eating a meal and I would watch the clock for the next time I could eat again. I usually ended up making dinner in a terrible state- shaking, unable to think properly, weak, with blurred vision and a terrifyingly intense craving to eat sugar- which I would have to do in order to continue- and I’d be irritable and confused, snapping at my fiancé.

I spent a lot of time wondering if there could be something wrong with my diet. I was so worried that I asked a doctor for advice but because I was a normal weight it wasn’t suggested that I change my diet. Apparently my blurred vision was caused by my body releasing loads of adrenalin (thinking it was starving to death, I suppose!), but the advice to combat this by “eating a biscuit” left me more confused than ever. I never ate biscuits. I seemed to be piling on the pounds as it was, I didn’t want to start eating stuff like that! I knew my situation wasn’t normal, but the world seemed to disagree.

Looking Back:
I knew my body was telling me it was in serious distress, but I let myself be talked out of it. When your mind is exhausted it’s hard to trust your own thoughts, but I knew what I was experiencing was wrong, and I was right.

Ultimately, my life became all about control. I knew what I could do, and I knew what I couldn’t do. I didn’t like extremes of temperature, different food, different people, different places or anything I had to think too much about. Any disturbances to my little world resulted in debilitating amounts of anxiety. As long as I could just stay in my flat with NO interference everything would be fine. I felt really guilty about how much my fiancé had to help me, and all the things it seemed like he would have to sacrifice throughout our life together. I wanted to be nice to him and show him how much I appreciated his support, but my mind was so addled by low blood sugar and anxiety that I was often in a bad mood.

Looking Back:
I think my anxiety was understandable in a situation when everything felt so out of control in my own body. Unfortunately, trying to change everything in my environment to suit what I needed was fighting a losing battle. Sooner or later I would have to change myself.

Rock bottom
I reached my lowest point over Christmas in 2010. My fiancé was off work over the Christmas period, but it seemed like we weren’t getting on and I was constantly confused- it felt to me like we were continuously falling out but I wasn’t sure why or how to make things better. It also seemed a shame that I couldn’t be more positive and excited about our wedding (due to take place in November 2011). I found the whole thing stressful, and couldn’t help but dwell on the fact that after the wedding everything would just stay the same, I’d still be ill, so what was the point in celebrating anything? In the end this crisis prompted me to make an attempt to find out more about CFS, hoping that this time I might find something positive.

Looking Back:
I had got into a routine where I could cope fairly well with my CFS on a day to day basis. Frankly, this was too comfortable and allowed me to stay stuck in the situation. It may sound harsh, but it took this crisis to give me the wakeup call I needed to take some positive steps.

At last, an answer!
In January 2011 I bought the book “Recovery from CFS- 50 Personal Stories” by Alexandra Barton (, and as soon as I started reading I realised that I could get better. I set myself a goal of being well before my wedding, and was filled with confidence that I could achieve it.

January 2011- May 2011: The end

Incredibly, once I bought this book, my recovery was really quick. It took some serious willpower, but I had that. I was absolutely determined. CFS was NOT going to be my life anymore.

The first thing I tried was a low-carbohydrate diet- essentially eating meat, fish, dairy and vegetables while cutting out refined carbohydrates such as white flour and sugar, and some other foods like potatoes- I used "The Big Book of Low-Carb Recipes" by Nicola Graimes (, "Low Carbohydrate Diet for Health" by Anne Charlish (, "The Healthy Low GI, Low Carb Diet" by Dr Charles Clark & Maureen Clark ( to help me*. As soon as I started this diet my problems with low blood sugar disappeared. Within days my mood was stable, my mind was clearer and I felt far more motivated. My sleep returned to normal- instead of feeling tired all afternoon, going to bed feeling wide awake, and then struggling to wake up in the morning, I went to bed sleepy and nearly always woke up refreshed. My physical strength increased to the point that I could do 4 mile walks with my fiancé. I quickly lost the excess weight I’d put on. Within a matter of weeks, around 70% of my symptoms were gone.

Lightning Process
Although the low carb diet helped me a lot, a few months in I realised that I still had some real issues with stress and anxiety. I would feel tired for days or sometimes weeks as I anticipated a stressful event, meaning that I still had to restrict my activities and was therefore unable to progress with life the way I wanted to. This was when I considered the Lightning Process (, and made the decision to give it a go.

I found the three day Lightning Process training that I did in May 2011 incredibly valuable. From the first day my remaining problems with tiredness disappeared, and over the following two days I made great improvements with my levels of anxiety and confidence. It paved the way for me to re-shape my mind to the way I wanted it to be, and ultimately led to the sense of liberation, empowerment and wellbeing that I feel today.

The NHS CFS Service appointment...
My appointment with the NHS CFS service did eventually come through sometime after I had already recovered on my own. I cancelled it.

May 2011- March 2013: Back to the beginning again!

Having recovered, I was left in a strange situation. I wasn’t ill anymore but my life had totally changed. I couldn’t pick up where I’d left off, I basically had to start again.

I’m not going to lie, it was a challenge to figure out how to rebuild my life. I had always wanted to be a writer, but I was unsure whether this was still the right path for me. In the end I did some voluntary work for Sevenoaks Area Mind, and the wonderfully positive environment there boosted my confidence still further. Soon after I started volunteering I got married, and my wedding day was wonderful- all the stressful planning while I was ill had definitely paid off. And it was such an achievement for me to be well for it- to be able to look forward to the future with my husband rather than dreading more years being ill.

It was an exciting time of change, but although I enjoyed my voluntary work, soon I began to need, to crave, more. My mind was busy again. It was bigger, it needed more to fill it. Eventually, I made the decision to begin writing again. My husband got a new job and we moved house to a different part of the country. It was good to have a clean slate, a fresh start. A flat that I had never had CFS in. I learnt to be kinder to myself, yet also to push my boundaries and face things that scare me, because inevitably the feeling of overcoming the fear is better than the comfort you get from avoidance. There’s a lot of things that scare me, so I think this process might be lifelong. But still, this month I decided to start writing a blog ( about my progress as a writer. This terrified me- people would be reading something I’d written! I did it. The world didn’t end. Instead it got even better.

If I was to give a few main pieces of advice from my experience, they would be:

Be kind to yourself. Don’t feel like you don’t deserve to have a full, happy life because you do.

Take pleasure in whatever you can, however small (a sunny day, a nice meal, something good on TV), and recognise what you do achieve each day, even if it is only one tiny thing like getting out of bed!

Believe you can get better. If you believe that you can, and you really, really want it, then you can be stronger than CFS, and you can stay stronger than CFS. Don’t believe anything (or anyone) trying to tell you that you may never make a full recovery. Seek out positive recovery stories to inspire you and if you come across anything with a negative tone don’t read it.

*Looking back, one comment I would make about the low-carb diet is that although it was important for me to be strict initially, I needn’t have worried too much about never being able to eat certain things ever again! I still follow the diet the vast majority of the time because I genuinely find it a fantastic and healthy way of eating, but as I don’t have any actual food allergies or intolerances and my body is now much stronger, if I really want a cake, I’ll eat a cake, and it’s fine. If I’d known at the start that I’d reach this point it would have been reassuring!

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Related Websites
Action for ME, a UK charity for CFS, ME sufferers
This site includes a forum and live chat, as well as articles, advice and stories from CFS sufferers.
Blogs, articles and lists of web resources for CFS and Fibromyalgia Resource Directory
Information about CFS and treatment at and

By Stefan, Germany, 12-Aug-2013 06:10
woow! You gave me hope! Thanks!
By LK_Chapman, 16-Aug-2013 03:39
I'm so glad that my story helped you, best of luck with your own journey to recovery!
By Brian Collecott UK, 30-Oct-2013 01:27
Thank you for your story. Yes low carb food is essential I think. For myself I also had to treat for residual mercury (not too difficult, from dental amalgam and vaccinations) but that really seemed to take the load off and clear my head in ways I had not anticipated. I've also had incredible dismissive comments from GPs but we are not surprised are we, given the state of the NHS CFS unit. Best wishes
By Angela, 18-Dec-2013 03:33
Thanks LK. This is the second time i have been diagnosed although i think I have had it many times and mistook it for other things. First time i was diagnosed I was in my final year at uni, i struggled to stay awake while studying and lost ability to think well, struggled to get a 2.2. Suspect I first got cfs in 6th year of school after a winter cold. Love your attitude,felt better after reading this, empowered that i could do something to help myself. Have a great xmas, new year and 2014. Angela x
By Tiredchris, 10-Apr-2014 01:39
I've Tried (virtually) EVERYTHING to get rid of My CFS/FMA,and NOTHING has worked... :( I've had it for 27 Years & its Only in the last few months that they've started to agree with me that this is what I've got... :( I Live on my own & its Absolute M-U-R-D-E-R to get Hull Social Services to provide me with a 'personal assistant'..... :( If they can find ANY way whatsoever to AVOID helping me - THEY FIND IT... :( MY CFS/FMA IS NOT A STATE OF MIND.... IT DOSN'T MATTER wether I say to myself "Well done",Or "Badly done" to Myself- IT DOSN'T MAKE AND DIFFERENCE WHATSOEVER !!! - The same can be said of my diet..
By LK_Chapman, 14-Apr-2014 11:56
I'm sorry to hear that you're having such a bad time- if anything in my article suggested that CFS is just a "state of mind" then I'm sorry for that, because it makes it sound like CFS is a choice which is not what I intended to imply. However, for my specific case and the symptoms I was experiencing seeking out positive information was very empowering to me and reading recovery stories where people talked about issues such as low blood sugar and stress and anxiety was the first time it felt as though there was somebody else out there going through the same thing as me. Along the way, I read some recovery stories that I didn't relate to at all- where people had symptoms very different to mine and/or their situation was very different to mine. However, I hoped that my story would resonate with at least some people, though everyone's case is unique and I'm sorry my story wasn't more helpful for you. All the best, LK_ Chapman
By Leanne, 22-Apr-2014 02:55
I have recently been to a naturapath to try and get some energy etc, she is convinvinced I have post viral fatigue , I have never heard of this , I know about Chronic fatigue syndrome and thought all you want to do is sleep, after reading these stories I am now thinking maybe I have had this condition for a lot longer than I thought, I couldn't finish hairdressing cuz I simply couldn't concentrate , as a child I would read a book but couldn't say what it was about? I always needed sleep, which may have been just how I am? But now I have mild bipolar but ite under control , but I blamed this for the way I feel at times. It's like my body WILL NOT let me do anything it just won't and I can't fight it, every few weeks I'm all of a sudden cold and must sleep no matter what, then I come good most times, when I evercse I come home and sleep, I need to hear more and would like someone to say that it sounds like it or something , could it be chronic fatigue ? Tell me more . Thanks Leanne
By LK_Chapman, 25-Apr-2014 10:35
Hi Leanne, I was originally told I may have post viral fatigue syndrome- which I think has a lot of similar symptoms to CFS, then once I'd been suffering for a longer time my GP suggested I had CFS. I can't really say whether what you're describing is chronic fatigue or not, it certainly has some similarities to what I experienced, but I would really recommend talking to a doctor about it (I used to write down lists of my symptoms and what I wanted to say to my doctor before I went- so that I was clear about it in my mind and didn't forget to mention anything, which was pretty helpful on days I couldn't think straight!)
By Lucy, 19-Aug-2014 22:47
The Lightning Process helped me for a bit, but its very hard to maintain. I am back to where I was now.
By Lucy, 20-Aug-2014 01:17
..This was a great article though. I've tried to access your blog but couldn't sign up for LinkedIn successfully. I have CFS and fibro (as well as other stuff unfortch) I am currently looking into a low-carb diet as i also have the problem of constant hunger and unstable bloodsugar. This has given me a bit of encouragement thanks. I hope my sleep quality improves.
By Lucy, 20-Aug-2014 01:20
Also - thanks for the book recommendations. I will purchase the book of recovery stories definitely, and put the low-carb books on my wishlist. x
By LK_Chapman, 11-Jan-2015 11:44
Hi Lucy, I'm glad you found my article useful- sorry to take so long to reply, I haven't looked at these comments in a while! I hope you do have some luck with trying a low carb diet and that the book of recovery stories proves as inspiring to you as it was to me. My blog doesn't actually exist anymore, as now my book ('Networked' by LK Chapman) is published I have my own website It's been a very exciting few years for me! All the best with your own recovery :)
By Boobo, 02-May-2015 04:33
Your case must have not been that difficult then. I already eat healthy probably even better than what is in the books you mentioned. Yep. And still my cfs hits me with a power of tsunami. It all started for me a year ago I had a very stressful job dreadful disgusting boss and also my child was attending the nursery for which it was a norm that children were left there while being sick. This way I started catching every possible cold that was at the moment in London. There were weeks when I was sick every week I remember when I was recoverginfrom one cold getting back to a next one it was really awful, I Thoth about dying every day this is how exhausted I felt and still I was dragging myself to full time work, actually I was doing on average 10hours a day plus getting up early with my child to drop to that nursery. Getting back home after 9-10pm... It was really bad. I did meditations, gentle exercise, previously I was a daily runner (!) this was not possible at all now. Eating 20 different veg and fruit a day, no alcohol, no coffees, no sweets, no junk and I was still getting sick when my child brought a virus home. After a while I got to the state that I had to leave work and I thought I had a cancer or something like this. The horrible English GPs didn't do much about my state I was send for basic blood tests. I had enough of being ignored and treated as a bored person hoe make sup stories and went privately first to the French doctors sin London then to polish. Both great opinions. They did lots of tests to find answers, I had about 20 different blood tests all hormones, ions, liver, pan crease tests, immunoglobulin tests etc. they did scans of my liver because I was suffering from a domain pains. It all seeme do the quite ok. Surprisingly, I was send for biopsy of my lymph nodes because they have been very large for last year or more. All ok. I described to these doctors how I feel how all symptoms are flared up by any random cold that my child brings home. Of
By Rachel, 27-Sep-2015 01:00
Hi LK, Thank you so much for writing this article- your story mirrors mine in so many ways it's uncanny! I have suffered with CFS for 5 years, after getting glandular fever shortly after moving from Kent to Norfolk to be with my Fiancé (now husband of 1 year). The stress of being away from my family and friends really affects me and I still find it hard even now after 4 years of being here. Diet is the only thing that has helped me. I have been on a dairy and gluten free diet for 2.5 years and my symptoms improved significantly. After a bit of a set back over the last month due to pushing myself too hard, I decided to try a low carb diet too. After 2 weeks on this I have started to notice an improvement. The withdrawal symptoms were hard- I was absolutely starving and felt like I had a hangover most mornings. Yesterday and today I feel much more awake and alert (brain fog has been one of my consistently bad symptoms). I am hoping this really is another step towards getting better. I have had to change jobs 3 times, go from working full time in recruitment to 3 days,then 2 days and now I am starting my own business having re-trained in Beauty Therapy over the last year. This is so I can manage my own diary and structure my time so I am not pushing myself too much. I am very lucky that my husband has a successful business so I am able to pursue this career change. I really connected with your comments regarding losing your personal identity- that has been so hard for me. Being away from friends and family has definitely made that harder, inaddition to changing career and not really knowing who I am any more. Your article has given me hope that I am on the right track and recovery is possible. Best of luck with everything you are doing now. Rachel xxx
By LK_Chapman, 28-Sep-2015 03:34
Hi Rachel, Thanks for your comments- I hope that the low carb diet continues to work well for you and good luck with your new business :)
By LK_Chapman, 28-Sep-2015 04:00
I just wanted to add, a few years on from my original recovery story, that another thing that may be important in dealing with fatigue is vitamin D. I discovered this a year or two after my recovery. I started to experience some of my old feelings of tiredness again, and I seemed to catch every single cold that was going round so I nearly always felt under the weather. It didn't really feel like CFS again, but it was obvious something wasn't quite right. I was lucky enough at this time to have a fantastic GP who took my symptoms really seriously (I felt a bit nervous going to the doctor and saying "I get a lot of colds"!) After some blood tests, it turned out I was very deficient in vitamin D (the main source of which is sunlight, but it's in some foods, and also fortified breakfast cereals- which I had stopped eating due to switching to a low carb diet!) I also had some abnormalities in my immune system, which was possibly connected as vitamin D contributes to normal immune system functioning. It's proving a little bit complicated to figure out how much vitamin D I need to take- I ended up being prescribed a very high dose which was great to begin with but started to cause side effects, so I stopped taking it for a while but then became deficient again. I am now back on vitamin D supplements and working with my doctor to figure out how much I need to take, but tests have shown my immune system has now returned to normal, so things are going in the right direction! I wanted to mention about vitamin D here, because before finding out I was deficient I had no idea it played any role in the immune system or that a deficiency could cause feelings of fatigue, and thankfully it’s something that’s relatively easy to fix!
By Guys, kick away your? anxiety prebolm does not hav, 17-Oct-2015 14:06
Guys, kick away your? anxiety prebolm does not have to be difficult (I used to feel it did). I'll give you some advice right now. Look for a panic and anxiety remedy known as Zomopanic Eraser (search on google). Seriously, that program has transformed my life. I probably shouldn't even be talking about it because I do not want a bunch of other folks out there running the same game but whatever, I'm in a great mood today so I will share the wealth haha.
By Hello there! thank you for this useful? video. By , 19-Oct-2015 19:31
Hello there! thank you for this useful? video. By the way, I ntoice a lot of people keep on talking about panic and anxiety remedy known as Zomopanic Eraser (just google it), but I'm not sure if it is really good. Have you tried Zomopanic Eraser? I have heard several incredible things about it and my buddy finally eliminate his panic attacks using it, but he refuses to tell me
By Its still surprises me, just how lot of peploe don, 30-Dec-2015 07:26
Its still surprises me, just how lot of peploe don't know about Zomopanic Eraser (do a google search), despite the fact that a lot of peploe get good results because of this panic and anxiety treatment. Thanks to my buddy who told me about Zomopanic Eraser,? I have fully get rid of my panic disorder, and finally eliminate my panic attacks
By Kate, 15-Mar-2016 03:02
Wow your story is so similar to mine! It's like someone just climbed inside my head and wrote my story but with an actual ending! I'm at the managing to be symptom free (mostly) through limited activity / a very basic daily routine; eating a low glycemic diet and being thankful for what I have and the small achievements I can manage each day. But yes it's too comfortable and its not enough. You've made me realise that there comes a point where it's okay to want the glass to be full instead of being grateful for it being half full. I had no idea where to go from here and you've just pointed me in the right direction. Going to read the book you referenced and look into the lightening process right now. Thank you so much for sharing your story!
By LK_Chapman, 15-Mar-2016 03:12
Thanks so much for your comment Kate, you're at such an exciting stage and I'm so glad you're feeling so positive and feel you have a plan of action! Best of luck with everything :)
By RayBones, 07-Aug-2016 07:15
Hi LK , although a while ago now , I just wanted to say thank-you for spending the time writing your story, Your's helped me, helped to get rid of the negativity and focus my efforts on the positive. I'm playing golf this afternoon , something I wouldn't have dreamed of only a short time ago. You helped this.
By LK_Chapman, 07-Aug-2016 10:46
Hi Ray, I'm so happy to hear that my story helped you, and I wish you all the best on your recovery :)
By LPG, 13-Aug-2016 01:45
Sometimes my scepticism can get in the way of taking the useful things I see and hear from others. I wanted to ask which of the things you did and changed had the biggest impact for you - the diet or the lightening process? Or neither? Thank you for sharing, I'm sure it took a lot to do it.
By LK_Chapman, 15-Aug-2016 03:50
Hi LPG, I would say the diet and the lightning process both had an equally big impact but in slightly different ways. Changing my diet made me feel a lot more healthy, but it wasn't until I did the lightning process that I was able to move on with my life and do new things.
By vivek rana, 15-Dec-2017 01:09
pls try veniz xr 75mg .. & u ll be okk after 1 month . small dose does not cause any side effects ...
By Thomas USA, 20-Apr-2018 03:45
Thank-you for this. I know it's an older article, but I'm going through something similar. Unfortunately, in the USA there's so few resources for dealing the CFS. I know mine is related to a chronic viral infection as well. But thanks to this article I feel like there are steps I can try. Eliminating the carbohydrates will be hard, but I'm going to do it!
By Thailand, 18-Jan-2019 10:29
Yes,This is very old article but this is a very inspiring article too.I’m a 33 yrs man I have been stuggling with this CFS for over 4 yrs I feel extremely exhuast and headache every morning and energiless for all day long I’m also facing passion loss and much less lifely less smile this CFS affecting and incredibly impacting my life I very often think of “death” or no more tomorrow cause its so suffering when you wakeup or when I want to concentrate or do anything I cant do as many actitivties as I could this is including works,routine,exercise the conclusion is that this CFS is destroying my life I’ve been trying to stay strong but its so sufferig I’m exhausted all my sences sensitivity has been decreasing espcially my eyes and my emotional but I’m still hoping that I can cure or defeat this CFS asap before I loss my hope and all my mental strenght I’m really in a super bad condition if anyone here can guide how to end this CFS story please contact me thank you
By Thailand, 18-Jan-2019 11:12
Yes,This is very old article but this is a very inspiring article too.I’m a 33 yrs man I have been stuggling with this CFS for over 4 yrs I feel extremely exhuast and headache every morning and energiless for all day long I’m also facing passion loss and much less lifely less smile this CFS affecting and incredibly impacting my life I very often think of “death” or no more tomorrow cause its so suffering when you wakeup or when I want to concentrate or do anything I cant do as many actitivties as I could this is including works,routine,exercise the conclusion is that this CFS is destroying my life I’ve been trying to stay strong but its so sufferig I’m exhausted all my sences sensitivity has been decreasing espcially my eyes and my emotional but I’m still hoping that I can cure or defeat this CFS asap before I loss my hope and all my mental strenght I’m really in a super bad condition if anyone here can guide how to end this CFS story please contact me thank you
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This recovery story is in categories: Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, ME (myalgic encephalitis), Post viral fatigue syndrome