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There are 4 matching stories.

I suffered from chronic cystitis for over ten years. I first started to get it severely from the age of nineteen. Almost every week I would have an attack, which would last for 4 hours, and then the rest of the day or night to recover. Sometimes an attack would last for three days. My symptoms were shaking, sweating. The extreme discomfort in my bladder took over my whole body. It felt like I was passing shards of glass when I went for a wee. Sometimes there was blood. Sex made my cystitis ...
Viewed 217176 times, rated 7.1 out of 10
In Categories: Acne; Cystitis; Depression;

My recovery from M.E/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome September 2009 Five years ago at the age of 24 I became increasingly anxious suffering with frequent panic attacks, depression, insomnia and M.E. symptoms. I believe that this was brought on by intense prolonged stress and childhood trauma. I gradually started to loose confidence to do simple things, even reading took too much energy and was so unwell I couldn’t even lift a shopping bag or stand up for longer than 10 minutes without feeling ...
Viewed 14090 times, rated 8.1 out of 10

I had troubled teenage yrs, mostly in hindsight due to lack of self esteem /confidence caused by wearing braces, having bad skin and being relativly flat chested (although at the time i did not realise this) ... I felt like an ugly ducking, I had always been an attractive child (so im told!!) and felt the transional yrs toward adulthood very diffficult... I did the classic drinking too much, smoking, sleeping with too many people, late nights... shocking my parents etc.... I ended up leaving hom ...
Viewed 13543 times, rated 8.3 out of 10
In Categories: Bulemia; Depression; Eating Disorders;

I tried to commit suicide 2 months ago because I had nothing left. Growing up, I had always figured out another way of doing things by personal opinion and argument. If I felt accosted, I got mad; if got treated differently, I got sad. I got really mad and really sad for a long time until I beat the system. I became popular, beautiful, well-liked, and respected. I turned heads and asked for discretion against others with demand. Then, for some abrupt reason, I realized I had done a really good ...
Viewed 5401 times, rated 9.7 out of 10
In Categories: Depression;