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There are 4 matching stories.

Hi All, When I was at my worst with CFS, I used to search the internet for information and grow ever more despairing at the lack of people who seemed to be recovering. Now that I'm recovering I realise that the last thing on your mind when you are recovering is going back to those depressing forums - there's too much fun to catch up on! So my first point is don't despair. Secondly, I'd like to share the understanding of CFS/ME/etc that I came to through my extensive reading and also the ...
Viewed 48953 times, rated 8.1 out of 10

How did it start I was walking around a car boot sale when I felt a throbbing pain in both my hips, by the time I got home the pain had increased. I didn’t think anything of it and spent the afternoon with my feet up. When I woke up the next day my muscles and joints felt so stiff that I could only walk around like I was 100 years old not 29. As the week went on the pain gradually crept up my back and I decided it was time to see my GP. I immediately had 5 blood tests for arthritis, rheumati ...
Viewed 33197 times, rated 8.8 out of 10

Where it All Started I first got sick towards the end of 1999 shortly after the birth of my first child. I had repeated flare ups of arthritis, kidney inflammation, pleuresy, skin rashes and extreme fatigue. I was a reserved, self sufficient person, and I thought that my will alone was enough to make it go away, and didn't really share what was going on with anyone. I was happy and enjoying my life with my new child and would not allow these recurring spells of illness to impose on that life ...
Viewed 20684 times, rated 9.2 out of 10
In Categories: Fibromyalgia; Lupus (SLE);

I suffered with regular tummy discomfort for several years. I had bloating, and an achey sensation that moved around my abdomen. It came and stayed for a few days, then went for a day or so. I visited my doctor, who examined me, and told me I had IBS. I was prescribed several different drugs to limit the tension in my digestive system, but nothing seemed to help. I tried acupuncture, and visited a homeopath. I also tried a course of therapeutic counselling, thinking that maybe I was stress ...
Viewed 7284 times, rated 7.9 out of 10
In Categories: Irritable Bowel Syndrome;