Food allergy caused Irritable Bowel Syndrome

By David rated 7.9 out of 10, viewed 7494 times
In categories: Irritable Bowel Syndrome;
I suffered with regular tummy discomfort for several years. I had bloating, and an achey sensation that moved around my abdomen. It came and stayed for a few days, then went for a day or so.

I visited my doctor, who examined me, and told me I had IBS. I was prescribed several different drugs to limit the tension in my digestive system, but nothing seemed to help.

I tried acupuncture, and visited a homeopath. I also tried a course of therapeutic counselling, thinking that maybe I was stressed and needed to talk about it.

Nothing seemed to help, and I became extremely frustrated. I started to wonder if maybe my problems were being caused by a food intolerance, but abstaining from milk, wheat and alcohol didn't help.

It was on a visit to Thailand when I finally discovered what was causing these problems - intolerance to beef. For the three weeks I was away, my diet completely changed. My stomach problems disappeared.

Apart from the times I had a beef burger because I was fed up with eating the local food. After each time, within 4-6 hours I got a return of my "IBS". And suddenly I realised what was staring me in the face.

I don't touch beef anymore. The few times I have inadvertently had some the same problems have reappeared. It's annoying it took me over a year to work it out, but it's such a relief to be free of the horrible discomfort that took over my everyday life for far too long.

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By Hotwaterbottle Hugger, 19-Nov-2008 12:24
Oh thank you God...there's the answer. (or at least- thank you David!)
By I have had my dogs on raw food diets for about 12 , 15-Oct-2012 18:52
I have had my dogs on raw food diets for about 12 years, I work as an Addictions Counsellor and my dogs work as co-counsellors and are certified thearpy dogs. I run into two problems with more and more frequency. The Dog Organisations that certify my dogs and the facilities that we visit are increasingly alarmist about raw food diets both nutritionally and as a liability for human clients in terms of passing on pathogens and bacteria. Of course, the Delta Society's new policy of banning raw fed dogs from service work does not help at all even though their research is heavily biased by the dry pet food industry. Any tips or info that i can use to keep my dogs both healthy and working is greatly appeciated. John Norton, Vancouver, BC, Canada
By It's different for evyroene. And while that is tr, 17-Oct-2015 14:27
It's different for evyroene. And while that is true to some extent, he didn't even mention that caffeine and alcohol were triggers, let alone fats and insoluble fibers. When I discovered this book and started following the guidelines, my condition improved dramatically. Before I discovered this book, I could not have gone near a half-cooked, let alone raw, vegetable without getting sick. Whole grain cereal, oatmeal, or pasta would have caused excruciating pain. But after first following the guidelines to the letter, I was eventually able to incorporate more of these foods in the right amounts, combinations, and at the right time of day into my diet. For those who have critiqued this diet because it tells you to eliminate insoluble fibers, you need to reread the title. This is titled The First Year. You don't have to eat like this forever, just until your gut is is under enough control to tolerate such foods. And the fact is that you're never going to be able to go on Atkins diet, but you don't have to eliminate insoluble fibers completely. You do, however, have to limit your portions, eat your insoluble fibers after you've consumed a good soluble fiber base, and recognize that certain times of day are worse when it comes to eating insoluble fiber. For me, the morning is the worst time, so I don't have salads or raw vegetables for dinner. That simple. Another critic claimed that this diet is not good for the constipation form of IBS. Apparently they have not read Van Vorous' medically accurate description of why constipation occurs in IBS sufferers. The trigger foods cause the gut to seize up. By following the diet and eliminating the trigger foods for a time, drinking lots of water (even more than you're thirsty for), and engaging in mild exercise, constipation sufferers can benefit. Obviously, if you're a constipation sufferer and you don't have the nausea associated with the diarrhea form of IBS, then no, you wouldn't need to snack on a piece of sourdough b
By 0 of 3 people found the flioowlng review helpfulHo, 19-Oct-2015 18:15
0 of 3 people found the flioowlng review helpfulHoly cow the print on this book is horrible!, February 9, 2012Bya0 (Beaverton, OR) a0a0Amazon Verified Purchase()This review is from: Ok, I'll admit I haven't read any of the book yet, but my god my copy looks like its hot off of a laser printer that's desperately blinking replace ink'. This book comes in a glossy cover, but the inside uses a horrible grey-scale color that makes that entire content rank among the worst paper grade and color of anything I've ever bought.Help other customers find the most helpful reviewsa0Was this review helpful to you?a0 | a0
By It's different for eryoevne. And while that is tr, 23-Dec-2015 12:41
It's different for eryoevne. And while that is true to some extent, he didn't even mention that caffeine and alcohol were triggers, let alone fats and insoluble fibers. When I discovered this book and started following the guidelines, my condition improved dramatically. Before I discovered this book, I could not have gone near a half-cooked, let alone raw, vegetable without getting sick. Whole grain cereal, oatmeal, or pasta would have caused excruciating pain. But after first following the guidelines to the letter, I was eventually able to incorporate more of these foods in the right amounts, combinations, and at the right time of day into my diet. For those who have critiqued this diet because it tells you to eliminate insoluble fibers, you need to reread the title. This is titled The First Year. You don't have to eat like this forever, just until your gut is is under enough control to tolerate such foods. And the fact is that you're never going to be able to go on Atkins diet, but you don't have to eliminate insoluble fibers completely. You do, however, have to limit your portions, eat your insoluble fibers after you've consumed a good soluble fiber base, and recognize that certain times of day are worse when it comes to eating insoluble fiber. For me, the morning is the worst time, so I don't have salads or raw vegetables for dinner. That simple. Another critic claimed that this diet is not good for the constipation form of IBS. Apparently they have not read Van Vorous' medically accurate description of why constipation occurs in IBS sufferers. The trigger foods cause the gut to seize up. By following the diet and eliminating the trigger foods for a time, drinking lots of water (even more than you're thirsty for), and engaging in mild exercise, constipation sufferers can benefit. Obviously, if you're a constipation sufferer and you don't have the nausea associated with the diarrhea form of IBS, then no, you wouldn't need to snack on a piece of sourdough b
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This recovery story is in categories: Irritable Bowel Syndrome