I tried everything - only 1 thing worked!
westros rated
5.4 out of 10,
viewed 8478 times
I just wanted to share my story with everyone, with the hope that at least a couple of people will read it and hear hope as not so many moons i was the one trawling the internet looking for a cure for this awful illness.
I wont go into to much detail about how i got chronic fatigue, but 2.5 years ago I went from being someone who seriously burned the candles at both ends (competing in triatholons, working 70 hour weeks and generally having a fun life) to loosing my social life, not being able to do sport and only working part time. All of which was utterly devastating and frustrating.
I seriously tried everything, I was lucky enough i could afford to try everything... all on all spending about 10k on weird and whacky therapies... including: chinese medicine, homeopathy, acupuncture, petrovic protocol (seriously dont bother with that one), following a really restricted diet, cbt, reverse therapy, graded exercise, electomagnetism.... the list goes on.
Anyway, a friend from the UK came to visit with their boyfriend in March this year. He had had ME and told me about something called the lightening process which had made him heaps better... so skeptical as ever but willing to give it a go, i googled it and found a practitioner and signed up for the 3 day course immediately.
I dont want to go into the detail of the course (too much to type!) but it is now 3 months down the track and i have my life back - it is AMAZING! this weekend i played hockey, tennis and went for a bike ride... all of which was not possible.
When you read about the therapy you might be skeptical like i was, the only reason i gave it a go was i personally knew someone who had got better from it so it gave me the confidence that it wasn't another hoccus poccus thing.
So for anyone reading this, have hope!
This recovery story is in categories: Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, ME (myalgic encephalitis)