I tried everything - only 1 thing worked!

By westros rated 5.4 out of 10, viewed 8478 times

I just wanted to share my story with everyone, with the hope that at least a couple of people will read it and hear hope as not so many moons i was the one trawling the internet looking for a cure for this awful illness.

I wont go into to much detail about how i got chronic fatigue, but 2.5 years ago I went from being someone who seriously burned the candles at both ends (competing in triatholons, working 70 hour weeks and generally having a fun life) to loosing my social life, not being able to do sport and only working part time. All of which was utterly devastating and frustrating.

I seriously tried everything, I was lucky enough i could afford to try everything... all on all spending about 10k on weird and whacky therapies... including: chinese medicine, homeopathy, acupuncture, petrovic protocol (seriously dont bother with that one), following a really restricted diet, cbt, reverse therapy, graded exercise, electomagnetism.... the list goes on.

Anyway, a friend from the UK came to visit with their boyfriend in March this year. He had had ME and told me about something called the lightening process which had made him heaps better... so skeptical as ever but willing to give it a go, i googled it and found a practitioner and signed up for the 3 day course immediately.

I dont want to go into the detail of the course (too much to type!) but it is now 3 months down the track and i have my life back - it is AMAZING! this weekend i played hockey, tennis and went for a bike ride... all of which was not possible.

When you read about the therapy you might be skeptical like i was, the only reason i gave it a go was i personally knew someone who had got better from it so it gave me the confidence that it wasn't another hoccus poccus thing.

So for anyone reading this, have hope!


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Related Websites
Action for ME, a UK charity for CFS, ME sufferers
This site includes a forum and live chat, as well as articles, advice and stories from CFS sufferers.
Blogs, articles and lists of web resources for CFS and Fibromyalgia
HealingWell.com Resource Directory
Information about CFS and treatment at me-cfs-recovery.co.uk and me-cfs-treatment.com

By Mel, 01-Apr-2012 02:38
Its lovely to hear that LP has changed your life as much as mine. Best wishes for your future.
By I suffer from etrxeme weakness as part of CFIDS al, 16-Oct-2012 01:00
I suffer from etrxeme weakness as part of CFIDS along with an etrxemely resistant bacterial infection called Cpn. Kelly, I understand where you're coming from. Everything that was true before is now reversed exercise supposed to help, does us in. Work a reliable activity is stripped away.I've tried mostly glutathione treatments and am now on Chinese herbs. I am hoping the breathing/oxygen remedy can help me a bit.I am past 60, all my friends have moved outside my area. Family is gone except for a miserable sister who makes my weakness worse, have cut off ties with her.It is always so shocking when this mystery illness hits us, I'm so sorry you had all the pain you did.denise
By Lucy, 19-Aug-2014 22:56
Im glad you have found some benefit. I have had LP. It helps SOME people. However it is hard to maintain for a lot of people (like me), and for some it just doesn't work. Also i would like to point out that because it is so simple (and can be taught in an hour tbh) the LP people tell their clients/students not to talk about it, as they would lose their income. I would be interested to see where this person is at 1, 3, and 5 years down the track.
By I am a patient who has had this illsens for 25 yea, 17-Oct-2015 13:44
I am a patient who has had this illsens for 25 years. I have high titers for EBV, HHV-6, CMV, and Coxsackie. The science may eventually prove that XMRV is a very important component, but it may not. It's too soon for me to be ready to put all my eggs in one basket and put all my hopes in the WPI. We need lots of research into all areas.The CAA may not speak for me, but neither does this petition.Please don't just dismiss Farideh's comment without giving it serious thought. The timing of this Petition is horrendous considering that the patient community has finally been able to establish an open dialogue with Dr. Mangan of the NIH and Dr. Unger of the CDC, both of whom appear to want better communication with the patients themselves. Opening a dialogue with the patient community already indicates that they know that the CAA doesn't speak for the whole patient community. We should be capitalizing on this incredible opportunity instead of presenting ourselves as people who are more concerned with discrediting others than building a solid foundation to advance our cause. If we want our voices to be honored, then our voices and actions must be honorable. If a petition is to be presented, instead of it being a negative petition, why not present a petition that sets forth the needs and goals of the patient community with viable suggestions on how those goals and needs can best be attained? I would think that a knee-jerk reaction of any representative reading the current petition would be to back away so as not to become involved in the fray. We don't want them backing away; we want them to come to the table and have discussions with us. This petition is not something that encourages them to do that. I urge you to reconsider this petition. I need answers; we all need answers. This petition, however, will only cause harm to the patients and create a delay in getting the answers we need. Please don't do this.
By Thanks Pete, yes I have found that it is possible , 19-Oct-2015 18:43
Thanks Pete, yes I have found that it is possible to heal yorlesuf of CFS/ME and there are many others with stories to match. Of course there are also many people who have not had that same experience and I don't wish to advocate that for everyone you can cure yorlesuf. But, well, I just encourage giving it a go and seeing what happens. What have you got to lose? And you are right, I do think that for some it just gets too overwhelming and depressing and they in some way give up by hoping that someday there will be a cure developed. I just couldn't stay in that place. It was too dark for me and I couldn't survive there for long ..so thus I had to keep pushing forward hoping, attempting, falling, crying, nurturing, hoping, and doing it all over again. Now I can truly say it has paid off and I now hope never to take my body for granted again!
By I think this is an insightful, nay, a brllaiint po, 23-Dec-2015 11:53
I think this is an insightful, nay, a brllaiint post, Kevin. (And I hope you're fully recovered.) Sorry your sickness was required to set off the path of thought, but happy that we could profit from it. Best regards, Candida
By I think this is an insightful, nay, a bnilliart po, 30-Dec-2015 07:17
I think this is an insightful, nay, a bnilliart post, Kevin. (And I hope you're fully recovered.) Sorry your sickness was required to set off the path of thought, but happy that we could profit from it. Best regards, Candida
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This recovery story is in categories: Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, ME (myalgic encephalitis)