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I was diagnosed with MVP in 1988. I was really happy to get a diagnosis, but I still didn't quite know everything that was involved with it. Frankly, I was just happy to get any diagnosis, because after years of running around to all different kinds of doctors, I was actually glad one had finally found something wrong with me. A few months after the diagnosis I learned about Lyn Frederickson's book, "Confronting Mitral Valve Prolapse Syndrome." I ordered it through the mail. The day it arriv ...
Viewed 11082 times, rated 10 out of 10

I've struggled with MVP Syndrome my whole life, really. As far back as I can remember I had symptoms such as chest pain, palpitations, lightheadedness, fatigue, irritable bowel, severe anxiety, and phobias. I was able to live with most of the symptoms without them interfering too much in my life. The weakness and fatigue and the pounding and racing heart were everyday occurrences to me. They never concerned or scared me, because I thought that they were normal feeling that everyone had. Irr ...
Viewed 8234 times, rated 9.3 out of 10